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Bryan Squires

What’s up guys! I want to first thank you for taking the time to visit “The OUT WORK Network”. Pierre and I have come a long way and now it is time to show the world who we are.

I am Bryan Squires a graduating Business Administration student currently on a Marine Corps ROTC Scholarship, hailing from Raleigh, NC. I was raised by two wonderful parents, Barry and Cynthia Squires, who are North Carolina natives. My father Barry Squires has been in education as an Assistant Principal for the past 20 years. In addition, he serves the Lord as the Pastor of St. Peter’s Baptist Church Ministries Inc “Where God’s Purpose Is Our Mission!”(located on 314 Royal Hwy, Aurora, NC 27806). My mother Serves by his side as First Lady and currently is an engineer Industrial Engineer. 

My Christian faith is the foundation of who I am, and is the source of all my success. My eldest sister Cecori Squires, graduated from Howard University, and  serves the country as an Ensign in the Navy. Lastly, I have a twin brother Barry Squires Jr, who is a graduate of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and serves our country as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. These four people, along with a grocery list of family members, are the reason who I am today! 

I came to Florida A&M University (FAMU) with a natural love of fitness. This derived from an athletic background, and seeing my parents struggle with their weight. With that, I crossed paths with Pierre Alsint where we met and began the takeover of FAMU’s Campus with the launch of Better Performance Fitness on December 30th, 2019.

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